29 new cases in BC (total: 3591; Δ 0.8%)
1076 VCH (prev: 1071; Δ 5; 0.5%; 30.0% of all)
1865 FHA (prev: 1846; Δ 19; 1.0%; 51.9% of all)
360 IHA (prev: 356; Δ 4; 1.1%; 10.0% of all)
143 VIHA (prev: 143; Δ 0; 0.0%; 4.0% of all)
86 NHA (prev: 86; Δ 0; 0.0%; 2.4% of all)
61 Outside Canada (prev: 60; Δ 1; 0.0%; 1.7% of all)
Total Active Cases: 242; 6.7% of total
Δ -17 (-0.5%)
5 Hospitalized (prev: 6; Δ -1; -16.7%; 0.1% of total)
2 ICU (prev: 2; Δ 0; 0.0%; 0.1% of total)
3155 recovered (prev: 3109; Δ 46; 1.5%; 87.9% of total)
194 deaths to date (prev: 194; Δ 0; 0.0%; 5.4% of total)
Recovery Rate: 87.9% Δ 0.6%
1 LTC care facility outbreak and 1 acute care facility outbreak; 664 affected.
No new cases in Haida Gwaii
No new community outbreaks.
59 cases associated with the Fraser Valley Packers.