26 new cases in BC (total: 2171; Δ 1.2%)
832 VCH (prev: 823; Δ 9; 1.1%; 38.3% of all)
992 FHA (prev: 978; Δ 14; 1.4%; 45.7% of all)
174 IHA (prev: 174; Δ 0; 0.0%; 8.0% of all)
123 VIHA (prev: 121; Δ 2; 1.7%; 5.7% of all)
49 NHA (prev: 49; Δ 0; 0.0%; 2.3% of all)
Total Active Cases: 681; 31.4% of total
Δ 5 (-0.1%)
72 Hospitalized (prev: 79; Δ -7; -8.9%; 3.3% of total)
23 ICU (prev: 24; Δ -1; -4.2%; 1.1% of total)
1376 recovered (prev: 1357; Δ 19; 1.4%; 63.4% of total)
114 deaths to date (prev: 112; Δ 2; 1.8%; 5.3% of total)
Recovery Rate: 63.4% Δ 0.1%
21 LTC; 3 Acute Care Units – 416 cases 261 residents 155 staff; 12 outbreaks declared over
Fraser Valley Specialty Poultry; 3 cases ongoing investigation
50 Superior Poultry; 42 United Poultry
120 Federal Correctional
Kearl Lake