23 new cases in BC (total: 2353; Δ 1.0%)
9 between Saturday and Sunday. 14 between Sunday and Monday.
873 VCH (prev: 871; Δ 2; 0.2%; 37.1% of all)
1118 FHA (prev: 1098; Δ 20; 1.8%; 47.5% of all)
180 IHA (prev: 180; Δ 0; 0.0%; 7.6% of all)
125 VIHA (prev: 125; Δ 0; 0.0%; 5.3% of all)
57 NHA (prev: 56; Δ 1; 1.8%; 2.4% of all)
Total Active Cases: 504; 21.4% of total
Δ -38 (-1.8%)
66 Hospitalized (prev: 69; Δ -3; -4.3%; 2.8% of total)
18 ICU (prev: 21; Δ -3; -14.3%; 0.8% of total)
1719 recovered (prev: 1659; Δ 60; 3.6%; 73.1% of total)
130 deaths to date (prev: 129; Δ 1; 0.8%; 5.5% of total)
Recovery Rate: 73.1% Δ 1.9%
19 Active Outbreaks in LTC and Acute Care. Additional 8 cases. 291 residents 184 staff. 19 outbreaks in LTC and Acute Care are over.
No change in community outbreak. Outbreak of foreign temporary workers in Byland Nursery in Kelowna is official declared over.
BC is still on track to go into Phase 2 at the end of this week.
Be patient. Business owners will decide what’s best for them. Some stores may open next week. Some stores may take longer to open because they may decide it’s not safe for them and their employees.
Wash your hands and cover your mouth when you cough.
Continue to be kind, be calm and be safe.