Today is the 100th day of COVID-19 warning in British Columbia.
25 new cases in BC (total: 2112; Δ 1.2%)
815 VCH (prev: 811; Δ 4; 0.5%; 38.6% of all)
961 FHA (prev: 941; Δ 20; 2.1%; 45.5% of all)
170 IHA (prev: 169; Δ 1; 0.6%; 8.0% of all)
120 VIHA (prev: 120; Δ 0; 0.0%; 5.7% of all)
46 NHA (prev: 46; Δ 0; 0.0%; 2.2% of all)
Total Active Cases: 679; 32.1% of total
Δ 6 (-0.1%)
82 Hospitalized (prev: 89; Δ -7; -7.9%; 3.9% of total)
30 ICU (prev: 35; Δ -5; -14.3%; 1.4% of total)
1322 recovered (prev: 1305; Δ 17; 1.3%; 62.6% of total)
111 deaths to date (prev: 109; Δ 2; 1.8%; 5.3% of total)
Recovery Rate: 62.6% Δ 0.1%
Outbreaks and Deaths
24 active outbreaks in long-term care and 3 acute care. No new long-term care facility outbreaks. 256 residents and 153 staff. 12 ltc outbreaks have been declared over.
50 cases at Superior Poultry and 42 at United Poultry. 120 cases at Mission Medium Security Correctional Facility (additional 12).
1 death was a senior in a long-term care home and 1 person who died in hospital in Vancouver Coastal Health